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Gina Metafuni

Gina Metafuni Wohlfühlzauber

Gina Metafuni

I consider my profession to be more than a job – it is my vocational calling to simply help people produce hormones of happiness. If it were possible to understand materially, how many hormones of happiness are being produced in the course of a hypnosis session, thus I believe people would be so amazed that they could not help but stop wondering. To a large extent it is also about helping to keep someone grounded and provide confidence.

I do not want to address only persons having significant problems but also persons who do not let it go that far, because they are acting preventively to ensure their well-being without this necessarily being due to an arising disease or problem in order to do something for themselves and change their lives.

I consider myself as a mix for all: be there providing an anchor to hold onto, help you to find the right path and keep flowing optimally, with regard to everything that this entails and furthermore in all different various areas.

– Alternative healing methods according to Peter Singer’s principles
– Foot reflexology massage according to Peter Singer’s principles
– Meditation- and Intuition training coach
– Reiki-Master according to Dr. Usui’s principles
– Certified Hypnosis therapist NGH
– Languages spoken: German, Italian, English